Adhesion to the practice of hand hygiene by professionals in the health area in a University Hospital
Handwashing, Cross infection, Health personnelAbstract
The hand washing (HW) is the most simple and effective and less costly in the control of infections related to health care. This study aims to evaluate the adhesion of professional health care as the practice of hand hygiene. Quantitative research, descriptive type, conducted through a database of the Department of Infection Control from a teaching hospital in the Midwest region. The analysis was performed using SPSS version 16.0. Were analyzed 1316 opportunities HW, these 951 (72.3%) did not occur to the adhesion of this practice. For the situations that not occurred adhesion, stands before the completion of non-invasive procedure with the patient with 24%. The adhesion to HW in accordance with the standards regulated by the relevant authorities, it not incorporated into the daily practice of health professionals that institution and thus educational in order to guide and motivate these professionals to practice correctly and often must HW be discussed and implemented.
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