Validation of simulated scenarios for nursing students: assessment and treatment of Pressure Ulcers
Simulation Technique, Pressure Ulcer, Students, Nursing, Education, Nursing, Nursing AssessmentAbstract
Objective: to validate simulated scenarios for the teaching and learning of nursing students about the assessment and treatment of Pressure Ulcers. Method: methodological study, with scenarios built using Fabri's reference and standards of best practices from the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. The selection of judges followed the Fehring criteria and snowball technique, and data collection took place in two stages according to Delphi. The analysis of the results considered the level of agreement of 0.80. Results: two scenarios have been validated resulting in a global Scale-Level Content Validity Index greater than 0.80; both have items about the learner's prior knowledge, general and specific learning objectives, theoretical foundation, responsible persons, complexity, documentation, briefing, topic, human and material resources, target audience, team training, debriefing, and assessment. Conclusions: the simulated scenarios have been validated for the teaching-learning of nursing students to assess and treat Pressure Ulcers in the hospital and home context.
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