Practice of episiotomy: maternal and neonatal related factors
Episiotomy, Epidemiologic Factors, Labor, Obstetric, Obstetric NursingAbstract
Objective: to analyze the incidence of episiotomy and maternal and neonatal related factors. Method: cross-sectional, retrospective study in which 11,809 medical records of women who underwent vaginal delivery were analyzed. The chi-square test was performed to identify related factors (p<0.05). Results: the incidence of episiotomy was 59.4%. Among women who did not undergo episiotomy, 27.0% had intact perineum and 13.5% had spontaneous laceration. Maternal related factors were age less than 19 years, appropriate antenatal care, primiparity, presence of uterine dynamics, cervical dilation between 1 and 3 cm, ruptured amniotic sac, and prolonged labor. Neonatal factors were full-term babies, birth weight ≥2,500g, Apgar ≥7, cephalic presentation, complications with the baby and referral to rooming-in. Conclusion: the practice of episiotomy was high and should be discouraged. Respect for the physiology of birth and the individuality of women is necessary to strengthen maternal care.
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