Health literacy of professionals enrolled in a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health




Health Literacy, Internship, Nonmedical, Health Personnel, Professional Training, Patient Care Team


Objective: To evaluate health literacy conditions among professionals enrolled in a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health. Method: Analytical cross-sectional study, conducted with 88 resident professionals, using the Brazilian version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire. The reliability of the mean scores on the scales and their correlation with sociodemographic variables were evaluated. Results: The results indicate that women take better care of their health and have better social support. The younger residents find it easier to interact with healthcare personnel and navigate the healthcare system. The strengths identified were the capacity to identify reliable sources of information, and being “information explorers”. The limitations are related to not being involved with their own health care and not using the healthcare system. Conclusion: The study collaborates to spread the theme among resident professionals, enabling reflection on the necessary competencies and abilities in healthcare.


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How to Cite

Silva VM, Brasil VV, Moraes KL, Magalhães JPR. Health literacy of professionals enrolled in a Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];22:62315. Available from:



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