Weaknesses and capabilities experienced by a healthcare team in the organ transplant process: integrative review
Tissue and Organ Procurement, Transplantation, Critical Care, Patient Care TeamAbstract
The aim of this study is to evaluate the weaknesses and capabilities experienced by professionals working in critical care units during the stages of the organ donation process. This is an integrative review, developed using six databases, between 2015 and 2020, in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. A total of 15 articles were selected. The information was grouped into two thematic categories: team knowledge on the organ donation process; complexity of the organ donation process: emotional aspects of the process. The evidence indicates lack of training of the team and lack of structure of the healthcare organizations as the main weaknesses. Regarding the capabilities, recognition of the stages of and criteria for the diagnosis of brain death and guaranteeing the right of the family to receive information on all the stages of the transplant process stand out. Given the findings, promoting actions of continuing education emerges as an effective strategy to improve clinical practice in this process.
Descriptors: Tissue and Organ Procurement; Transplantation; Critical Care; Patient Care Team; Nursing.
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