Health education with prostitutes of Fortaleza: case report
Health education, Prostitution, NursingAbstract
The prostitutes, even being aware of STD and its clinical aspects, find difficult using preservatives. It was observed that financial problems are more appealing to them than taking care of their own health. Therefore, this study shows the experience of providing health education to active prostitutes in Fortaleza. The wait room from the office of Nursing in Gynecology in 2006 was the local of the interviews. During six days, 55 women attended to the workshops. The workshops consisted of five moments: building up your self worth; gynecological examination; competing, competition and self-belief; self-esteem; Women's Rights and violence against women. Likewise, it was verified that health education to groups of prostitutes can provide them feeling of social inclusion, fairness and building up their self worth, once the participants recognized themselves in the group. The human relationships were fortified and some of the topics presented were really learned.
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