Delimitation of performance, knowledge and basic learning for the teaching of Geography in the high school subsystems of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.




During the last thirty years, Latin America has witnessed educational reforms promoted by international organizations, which have generated adjustments in the study plans of different levels. In the Mexican context, specifically in the high school of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, efforts have been made to establish the knowledge and skills that high school students should acquire. This article addresses the general and specific aspects of three documents created between 1998 and 2023 by academic commissions. These documents define indispensable knowledge, skills and attitudes in certain disciplinary fields for the high school subsystems of the National High School and the College of Sciences and Humanities, but, in particular, those related to Geography are highlighted. The first document presents the Core of Basic Knowledge and Training, integrated with twenty-one performances. Subsequently, the Fundamental Knowledge is presented, comprising twenty-nine contents and, finally, eighteen Essential Learning, nine skills and attitudes corresponding to the geographic field are defined. Such contributions have been useful to the teaching staff for the elaboration of didactic materials and the curricular revision of the high school.


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How to Cite

RAMOS TREJO, A.; ÁLVAREZ CRUZ, E. M.; CARRASCO ANAYA, G. Delimitation of performance, knowledge and basic learning for the teaching of Geography in the high school subsystems of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 1, p. 277–303, 2024. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v18i1.79023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.



Dossiê - A Educação Geográfica no contexto Panamericano