LANDSCAPE AS VISUAL SYSTEM AND HOLISTIC: Proposal methodology for the environmental sustainability of visual quality, experienced in Manizales, Colombia Andean city


  • Adriana Gómez Alzate Universidad de Caldas



To contribute to the city general guidelines for action to contribute to the improvement and sustainability of the quality of urban environment, the landscape is conceptualized as a visual system and changing the empty urban space as relational, and within it, the surface Bounding as the skin of the buildings that make up those gaps, starting with the visual impact analysis and diagnosis trends. Its comprehensive study at the city contributes to the development of a visual culture that respects the pre-existing environmental, knows the current trends in information and communication and facilitate the visual qualities of desirable living environment.The methodology of visual analysis of the landscape suggests an approach to knowledge of the urban environment since the perception and visualization, synthesizes an outline of a reality that in the process of visual analysis found the key elements of their configuration and sight problems that must be controlled, like also visual possibilities to be intensified. The experimental application of the methodology of visual analysis was conducted in Manizales on the structural axis of the city; morphology the intricate, intense and close relationship to the natural landscape, motivated and gave guidelines to implement the ideas of reading involving visual landscape and urban environment. Key-Words: Landscape, urban environment, perception, space-time, visual reading, geomorphology, urban planning.


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How to Cite

ALZATE, A. G. LANDSCAPE AS VISUAL SYSTEM AND HOLISTIC: Proposal methodology for the environmental sustainability of visual quality, experienced in Manizales, Colombia Andean city. Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, p. 1–17, 2008. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v2i2.4726. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


