Amerindian Medicines and Shamanic Performativities in the Expanded Performing Arts

The aesthetics of existence as a counterweight to capitalist normativity


  • Carlos Henrique Guimarães Universidade Federal da Paraíba, UFPB, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil,



The multiple Amerindian knowledges keep enormous wealth under their secrets and in order to obtain the necessary licenses to enter their mysteries, it is first necessary to allow oneself to experience a world perspective quite different from those that Western cultures teach us, shifting paradigms about the modes of subjectivation, life and knowledge production. The native cultures of Brazil draw their references on life, art and education directly from the sources of the forests; often their knowledge comes from shamanic experiences caused by the effects of their medicinal plants. This work presents reflections on the possibilities of learning and artistic enjoyment from an Amerindian bias perspective, starting from a theoretical-practical performative research, called shamanic practices of the self, in which the author experiences rituals with ayahuasca and other Amerindian medicines, shifting his paradigms about art and life, working poetics that point performative horizons about the aesthetics of existence.


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How to Cite

GUIMARÃES, C. H. Amerindian Medicines and Shamanic Performativities in the Expanded Performing Arts: The aesthetics of existence as a counterweight to capitalist normativity. Art on Stage Journal, Goiânia, v. 8, n. 2, p. 115–152, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/ac.v8i2.74373. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.