A comparative study between the Quebecian sign language (lsq) and the Brazilian language of signs (Libras): some language, socio-political, cultural and historical aspects
Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), Bilingualism. Sign Language Teaching.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to promote the knowledge and understanding of Canada in Brazil, based on comparative studies of the Quebec Sign Language (QSL) and the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), and some linguistic, social, political and historical aspects, opening the dialogue on this subject. Another objective is to present some studies related to the issue of sign language teaching and the inclusion of deaf individuals in the society: the history of the origin of teaching and research in this field. It is relevant to point out that this article is part of the comparative studies, which may be the opening to the dialogue between different researches and approaches on this topic, developed in these two American countries, in order to seek, together, for strategic solutions of social inclusion and of cultural diversity policy making: oral culture and deaf culture.
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