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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal page.
  • The text is in 1.5 cm spacing; 12 cm font; uses italics instead of underline (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format
  • URLs for the references were informed when possible.

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

The academic papers submitted outside the standards required by the Revista Articulando e Construindo Saberes will be rejected. Contributions must be within the limits of the journal's focus and scope.

General Standards

1. Contributions written in indigenous languages, mainly Brazilian native languages, as well as in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted for publication.
2. The translation of papers written in indigenous languages ??will not be required, regarding the policy of visibility and strengthening of these languages.
3. Papers should be written in Word, Times New Roman font, 12-point text; 1.5 line spacing; justified alignment; top and left margins 3.0 cm, bottom and right 2.0 cm; 1.25 cm first line indent.
4. Co-authorship academic papers will be accepted between indigenous researchers, and may be between indigenous and non-indigenous ones.
5. No more than one article will be published by the same author, in the same volume, even in case of co-authorship.
6. Texts may be up to 25 pages long, including the bibliographic references and footnotes.
7. To ensure the integrity of the Double-Blind System review for journal submissions, care should be taken not to disclose the identity of the authors during the process. This requires authors to take some precautions with the text and properties of the document: 1) Articles should be submitted without the author(s)’ name and without biographical or explanatory notes that may allow their identification. 2) When the article makes references to the author(s)’ own works, allowing their identification, the citations in the body of the text and in the bibliographic references should come as in the following examples, in order to omit the authorship. Example: AUTHOR (2004); AUTHOR (2009, p. 3). The author's ID should also be removed from the document's properties / name.

Specific Standards

Title: Should be in lowercase, only the initial capital letter, centered, size 14, bold. Titles should also be written in the languages ??in which the abstracts are presented.

May be placed below the title, up to 250 words, preceded by the word ‘Abstract’ in initial capital letter. The Abstract should be written in size 12, no entry, and justified. Two abstracts are required, and may be up to three, the first one, in the language of the article and the second (and / or third ones) alternates between the languages ??covered by the Journal: indigenous languages, Portuguese, Spanish or English.

: From three to five, separated by a period, capitalized initials, also written in the languages ??in which the abstracts are. They should be placed on the second line below the abstract.

Sections and subsections:
Should be numbered sequentially, except for the Introduction, Final Considerations and References, which will not be numbered. Section titles in bold, size 14, aligned to the left, with the first word initial letter capitalized only, if necessary. The subsections, in bold, size 12, left aligned, only initial capital letter, if necessary.

Should be numbered sequentially throughout the text, numbered in parentheses and left aligned. Automatic numbering should not be used.

Should be reduced in number and placed at the bottom of the page, Times New Roman, size 10, single-spaced, justified, with no indent, and sequentially numbered from 1. Notes should NOT be used for bibliographic references. They must be inserted in the body of the text and listed at the end of the article.

Illustrations (figures, tables, maps, charts, etc.):
Should be inserted in the text, centered and numbered sequentially. All should include explanatory caption, preceded by the designation word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, photograph, chart, map, organogram, plan) positioned at the top, left aligned of the illustration, Times New Roman, size 10. The source of the illustration should be positioned at the bottom, also left-aligned, in Times New Roman, size 10.

Quotations with up to three lines should be inserted in the text itself and highlighted by “quotation marks”. If they are more than 3 lines long, they should be arranged with a 4cm border from the left, with no quotation marks nor indentation in the first line, size 10, single-spaced, and blank line before and after the text. Quotations not written in the language of the article should be translated.

They should contain only works cited in the text and follow ABNT standards. No section numbering, size 12, single-spaced, a blank line separating one reference from another. If a translated work, translator’s name is required.
Knowledge adopted in the production of articles that comes from ancestral wisdoms of oral sources, the reference should include the research theme, the sage’s name, the name of the people, as well as place / village, date / period.


The copyright authorization must be completed, signed, and attached at the time of submission of the article on the Journal page, according to the following template. In case of more than one authorship, the declaration must have all the authors’ signatures.
a) Copyright Statement Template


This statement must be completed, signed by all the authors involved, and attached at the time of article submission.
a) Model Statement in Co-authoring

a) Modelo de autorização


Política padrão de seção


The Dossier Section should consist of at least 10 (ten) papers and 25 (twenty-five) maximum, which must be unpublished and relevant, always considering the focus and scope of the Journal. The theme of the dossier may be recommended by the Editorial Board, by member(s) of the Advisory Board or by interested researcher(s), and be duly justified and related to the area of interest of the Journal. Each paper should have a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 25 pages. Thus, a publication strategy is articulated in order to contemplate the inclusion of a thematic dossier alongside with the continuous demand. The papers submitted to the dossier must follow exactly the same rules as those submitted to continuous demand. Non-compliance with these standards implies exclusion from the proposal.  The same applies in relation to languages, i.e., papers composing the dossier must be written in indigenous languages (Brazilian and all Amerindian), Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Interviews Section

This section is reserved for the presentation of interviews with indigenous wise men and women, researchers or other professionals who preferably discuss indigenous peoples. Thus, we recommend that the intracultural, intercultural, transdisciplinary, educational dimensions can be aimed. The publication of the interviews must be formally authorized by the interviewees and be accompanied by a text that presents them.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties