Tomato production as a function of aeration levels after subsurface drip irrigation


  • Jean Marcelo Rodrigues do Nascimento Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Roberto Rezende Universidade Estadual de Maringá/ Professor Associado
  • Cássio de Castro Seron Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Álvaro Henrique Cândido de Souza
  • André Felipe Barion Alves Andrean Universidade Estadual de Maringá


After rain or irrigation, the soil pores may present a low oxygen content (hypoxia). Soil aeration after irrigation has been used to overcome hypoxia-based problems. This study aimed to investigate the effect of four aeration levels (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 times the standard volume) applied after irrigation, using a subsurface drip system, at two soil depths (0.15 m and 0.30 m). A randomized block design was used, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with six replications. The yield characteristics assessed were: total fruit mass per plant, average fruit mass and number of fruits per plant. The growth characteristics were root and stem dry mass. The water-use efficiency was also calculated. The results indicated that the highest aeration level, at a depth of 0.30 m, increased the yield by 41.2 %, when compared with plants that received only irrigation, at the same depth. The water-use efficiency was influenced by the soil aeration after irrigation only at the depth of 0.30 m.

KEYWORDS: Solanum lycopersicum, air injection into the soil, soil hypoxia.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Rezende, Universidade Estadual de Maringá/ Professor Associado

717/5000     He holds a bachelor 's degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (1985) and a Master' s degree in Agronomy from the School of Agronomy Luiz de Queiroz ESALQ - USP (1992) and a PhD in Agronomy from the School of Agronomy Luiz de Queiroz ESALQ - USP (2001). He is currently associate professor at the State University of Maringá (UEM), in the area of water and soil engineering and irrigation and drainage, in which he concentrates his lines of research. He has also developed works related to fertirrigation, irrigation management and hydroponics. He acts as a reviewer of several scientific journals, is an area editor of Acta Scientiarum Agronomy magazine and is also a research productivity fellow at CNPq.

Cássio de Castro Seron, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Postgraduate in Agronomy from the State University of Maringá (PGA-UEM), master's degree in Agronomy from the State University of Maringá (2016), graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the State University of Maringá (2013) and Agricultural Technician from the Federal Education Center Technological of Cuiabá (2007). Monitor of the discipline of Hydraulics (2011/2012). Currently concentrates research in the area of water management in a protected environment.

Álvaro Henrique Cândido de Souza

He holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering (2013) and a Masters in Agronomy in the Graduate Program in Agronomy of the State University of Maringá (2016). He is currently a PhD student in the Graduate Program in Agronomy by the State University of Maringá - PGA / UEM in the area of concentration in Plant Production. He is currently doing research in the area of fertirrigation and irrigation management.

André Felipe Barion Alves Andrean, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Agronomist graduated in 2012 from the State University of Maringá. Masters Degree in MBA in Agribusiness, 2015, by Unicesumar. Master in the area of vegetal production by the State University of Maringá.




How to Cite

RODRIGUES DO NASCIMENTO, J. M.; REZENDE, R.; DE CASTRO SERON, C.; CÂNDIDO DE SOUZA, Álvaro H.; BARION ALVES ANDREAN, A. F. Tomato production as a function of aeration levels after subsurface drip irrigation. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical [Agricultural Research in the Tropics], Goiânia, v. 50, p. e58071, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Research Article