Germination and vigor of Campomanesia adamantium seeds according to fruit and seed size


  • Daiane Mugnol Dresch Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Silvana de Paula Quintão Scalon Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Tathiana Elisa Masetto Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)
  • Maria do Carmo Vieira Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)


Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg (Myrtaceae), fruits biometric aspects, seeds dimensions.


The knowledge on biometric aspects of fruits and seeds and their influence on germination are important for the production and properties of native species. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of fruit and seed size on the germination and vigor of Campomanesia adamantium seeds. For the biometric characterization, 120 fruits were randomly selected and visually divided into four classes, with predominance for size, in which longitudinal and transversal diameters and mass of seeds were measured. The seed characterization was carried out in 30 fruits of each class, by determining the number of whole, empty and total seeds of every fruit. The seeds physiological potential, according to fruit size, was evaluated with the aid of the following tests: imbibition curve, moisture content, germination percentage and speed index, seedling length, total fresh and dry matter of seedlings. A completely randomized design, with four treatments, was used. Fruits were respectively classified according to their longitudinal and transversal diameters as small (12.71 mm; 12.46 mm), medium small (15.38 mm; 15.01 mm), medium large (18.84 mm; 18.02 mm) and large (22.74 mm; 22.36 mm). The classes of small, medium small and medium large fruits presented seeds with higher germination percentage and speed index, while seedlings with higher biomass accumulation were observed for large fruits.


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How to Cite

DRESCH, D. M.; SCALON, S. de P. Q.; MASETTO, T. E.; VIEIRA, M. do C. Germination and vigor of Campomanesia adamantium seeds according to fruit and seed size. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical [Agricultural Research in the Tropics], Goiânia, v. 43, n. 3, p. 262–271, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Crop Science