Cross-pollination determines the seeds formation in Nules clementine fruits


  • Fernando Alves de Azevedo Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
  • Rogério de Sá Borges Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Transferência de Tecnologia)
  • Marco Aurélio Bonin Fávero Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
  • Ronald Otto Giorgi Neto Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
  • Evandro Henrique Schinor Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
  • Marinês Bastianel Instituto Agronômico (IAC)


Mandarin, Clemenules, citrus.


In countries that supply the international market with fresh citrus fruits, there is a great concern about studying the effects of possible crosses between varieties, so that the desirable characteristics, such as the low number of seeds, or even the lack of them, are not altered. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating the influence of pollination by other citrus varieties in the formation of seeds, in fruits of the Nules clementine seedless variety. Controlled pollinations were performed in 2007 and 2008, with pollen from the sweet orange varieties Pêra, Valência and Natal; Ortanique and Murcott tangors; Nova tangelo; and Ponkan mandarin. The formation of seeds from self-pollination was also evaluated in flowers of Nules clementine. The harvested fruits were evaluated for seeds number, fruit mass (g), transversal and longitudinal diameters (cm). Compatibility was observed for all the varieties evaluated and cross-pollination promoted the formation of seeds. Fruits from the cross-pollination of Nules clementine presented higher size and mass than the ones originated from self-pollination. Isolated flowers of Nules clementine (self-pollinated) produced seedless fruits, suggesting the need of this variety for isolation, in order to obtain seedless fruits.


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How to Cite

AZEVEDO, F. A. de; BORGES, R. de S.; FÁVERO, M. A. B.; GIORGI NETO, R. O.; SCHINOR, E. H.; BASTIANEL, M. Cross-pollination determines the seeds formation in Nules clementine fruits. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical [Agricultural Research in the Tropics], Goiânia, v. 43, n. 1, p. 88–92, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Crop Science