About the Journal

Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical (PAT) [Agricultural Research in the Tropics], e-ISSN 1983-4063, is a continuous-flow scientific journal published in a single anual volume, without numbering, by the Escola de Agronomia/Universidade Federal de Goiás, in Goiânia, Goiás state, Brazil. It was created to register and share results originating from pioneer researches, especially those about Agricultural Sciences, carried out in the central region of Brazil. Since 1971, when it was called Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, it has played a relevant role in the dissemination of scientific experiments, which show an evolution in the agricultural activities developed in the region. For that reason, the PAT's mission is “to promote the development of the agricultural research”, aiming at publishing manuscripts directly related to the context of agriculture.

It is currently indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science - Impact Factor 1.0); SciELO; Scopus; BIOSIS Previews; Biological Abstracts; CAB Abstracts; FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts; AGRIS - International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology (FAO); AGRICOLA; Redalyc; ProQuest; AGROBASE - Base de Dados da Agricultura Brasileira (MAPA, Brasil); Portal Periódicos (Capes, MEC); DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals; RoMEO; Scirus - for Scientific Information Only; Open J-Gate; Open Archives Harvester2; Latindex; OAIster; Elsevier; EBSCO Publishing; Scholar Google; and Sumarios.Org.




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Chamada de Artigos para Edição Especial: “Pulses”/ Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Pulses”


A revista Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical (fator de impacto: 1,0), editada pela Escola de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Goiás, está recebendo submissões para a edição especial “Pulses”.

O termo “pulses” refere-se a sementes secas de culturas agrícolas pertencentes à família Fabaceae, como feijões, ervilha, lentilha e grão-de-bico, que fazem parte da dieta da maior parte da população brasileira e mundial, tendo importância estratégica para a segurança alimentar e combate à fome, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Como forma de reconhecimento de sua importância, e para ampliar os conhecimentos sobre os seus benefícios, a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) definiu a data de 10 de fevereiro como o Dia Mundial dos Pulses.

Por se tratar de uma edição especial, que visa ampliar o escopo normal da revista PAT, excepcionalmente, serão aceitos para submissão trabalhos científicos que envolvam qualquer aspecto da temática “Pulses”.

As submissões podem ser efetuadas até o dia 31 de março de 2025. Todos os artigos serão submetidos a avaliação cega por pares e, se aprovados, publicados em inglês. As normas para submissão podem ser acessadas no endereço https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions (acrescentar “Edição Especial: Pulses” antes do título do artigo). Qualquer dúvida, favor contatar Gilson P. Borges (gpborges@ufg.br).


The Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical (Agricultural Research in the Tropics) journal (impact factor: 1.0), edited by the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil, is receiving submissions for a special issue on “Pulses”.

The term “pulses” refers to dry seeds of agricultural crops belonging to the Fabaceae family, such as beans, pea, lentil and chickpea, which are part of the diet of the majority of the Brazilian and world population, having strategic importance for food security and combating hunger, especially in developing countries. As a way of recognizing its importance, and to expand the knowledge about its benefits, the United Nations (UN) elected the date of February 10 as the World Pulses Day.

Submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2025. All articles will be blind peer-reviewed and, if approved by Reviewers, published in English. The guidelines for submission can be found at https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions (add “Special Issue: Pulses” before the title of the article). For questions, please contact Gilson P. Borges (gpborges@ufg.br).

Read more about Chamada de Artigos para Edição Especial: “Pulses”/ Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Pulses”

Current Issue

v. 55 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-08

Scientific Note

Special Supplement: Pulses

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