Analizando el Derecho a La Alimentación: algunas vías de acceso posibles para su abordaje


  • Martín Eynard Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • María Claudia Saavedra Universidad del Salvador


Derechos Humanos, Política Internacional, Derecho a la alimentación, Gobernanza Global, Neoliberalismo


The present work brought into play various analytical categories from the legal and sociological field, to analyze the Right to Food and critically compare its compliance or not, and what variables would come into play for its instantiation. The approach under which it was carried out was qualitative-interpretative. The Right to Food has been protected by different international instruments. It was observed that despite the legal framework and existing international and regional initiatives in this area, there are currently millions of people in the world with severe food insecurity. The concept of Global Governance was studied, making it clear that it refers to the structures and processes for decision-making that allow a State, an organization or a group of people to carry out different matters. However, it was evidenced that decision-making is subject to the operating logic of the capitalist system where economic and geopolitical interests do not allow taking into account "the use value" of food, conceiving it primarily as a commodity. The concept of neoliberalism was also highlighted as a form that affects the guarantee of the right to food as a fundamental human right. Finally, the concepts of international politics and foreign policy were studied, and the important role of social movements and the concept of Food Sovereignty was highlighted.

Biografia do Autor

Martín Eynard, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, y Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina). Email:

María Claudia Saavedra, Universidad del Salvador

Abogada por la Universidad Santiago Cali (Colombia) y Magíster en RR.II. por la Universidad del Salvador (Argentina). El presente texto es producto de un trabajo de mayor envergadura, en el contexto de la realización de la tesis para la Maestría en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad del Salvador. Email:





Fundamentos Teóricos dos Direitos Humanos