Assessing a potential Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate curricular change in an engineering degree
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Accreditation, CDIO, Curriculum Change, Personal and Interpersonal skillsResumen
The requirements of the Engineering Education are nowadays very broad and demand a set of skills which demands not only technical knowledge but also the ability to lead and innovate and Personal and Interpersonal skills. A framework for the assessment of a potential Curricular Change is necessary to guide the analysis of the program with respect to the stakeholders and the legislation of the country, in order to develop appropriate learning outcomes. A Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) approach was chosen for an evaluation conducted in a mechanical Engineering Degree in Brazil. The work consisted in the application of a survey with students and professors and a literature review of the legislation and studies that raised the required competences and skills for the modern Engineer. The results show a great potential for a CDIO set of skills in Engineering Degrees in Brazil and reveal the frequent demands of stakeholders before a Curricular Change.
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