Nursing assistance systematization in a mental health clinic


  • Paula Beteghelli Faculdade de Enfermagem
  • Vanessa Pellegrino Toledo Faculdade de Enfermagem
  • Jaira Lopes Brandão Crepschi Faculdade de Enfermagem
  • Érika Christiane Marocco Duran Faculdade de Enfermagem



Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, Diagnóstico de Enfermagem, Saúde Mental


The aim of this work was to elaborate a model of nursing evaluation to be used in a clinic for mental insanity people; to describe the positive and negative aspects of the use of this model; and to identify the most frequent nursing diagnosis in a clinic for mental insanity people in a city of São Paulo state. A qualitative methodology approach was chosen, but some quantitative descriptions were used when analyzing the nursing diagnosis found frequency. From a bibliographical study, a checklist was used to know about insanity people’s health status. The data collection was initiated with the nursing consultation guided by this instrument, through physical and psychical examinations, after signing the informed consent term. The presentation and the discussion of the nursing diagnosis occurred according to the frequency of their appearance during the analysis of the insanity people’s health status; the criterion of discussion of these nursing diagnoses was its appearance with a frequency of 10 or more times in the nursing evaluation. The most frequent diagnosis were: hopelessness related to stresses, characterized by verbal indications (75,00%); social Isolation related to alterations in the mental conditions, characterized by expressions of rejection feelings (70,00%); and harmed verbal communication related to psychological barriers, characterized by absence of visual contact (65,00%). The experiencing with the nursing assistance systematization and this specific approach for insanity persons, based in the NANDA human reaction standards, has shown positive results. New additions to the instrument used in the psychosocial rehabilitation will promote greater benefits to such individuals.


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