The change in practice in mental health and deinstitutionalization: an integrative review
Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Deinstitutionalization.Abstract
doi: 10.5216/ree.v12i3.8198
The deinstitutionalization was the main alternative to the mental hospital pratice, seeking care in freedom. This article presents an integrative review of the literature undertaken to identify and analyze the scientific production of deinstitutionalization, the focus of psychosocial care in the period from 2004 to June of 2010. The methodology used was an integrative review of literature using the keywords: mental health, mental health services and institutionalization. A search was performed on the databases SciELO, LILACS and PubMed. There were found ten publications that met the inclusion criteria, nine written in Portuguese and one in English, and all articles were published in journals. By reading the full-text of this review, through content similarity, they were grouped into two themes, namely: The history of psychiatric reform in the process of institutionalization and practices of mental health care in the psychosocial. While reviewing the articles, you can broadly see what is happening in mental health services within the psychiatric reform process as well as returning to their historical and make some reflections that are critical to actions as professionals committed to the ideals of carrying in freedom.
Descriptors: Mental Health; Mental Health Services; Deinstitutionalization.