Mudou, mudou tudo na minha vida
experiências de idosos em grupos de convivência no município de Ijuí/RS
Terceira idade, grupos de convivência, IdosoAbstract
This work had the objectivity to know the reasons that make elderly regular visitors of groups and their life changes. A study with qualitative, explorative and descriptive nature. A piece of information occurred by a participating observant and a structural interview made with mixed recording questions: what were the reasons that made you participate with this group? Did you make any change in your life since you ‘ve started to frequent it? About eight elderly were interviewed in these coexistence groups here in Ijuí/RS. Analysis, classified those information’s in two categories. The reasons pointed were personal interaction, the act of share joy, love, sadness and knowledge. Needless to say, rescue vanity, pleasure, satisfaction, and joy of being with other people. The group is considered a social space; in witch they realize activities like the act of speaking, laughing, dancing and strengthening. When participating in these groups, they have physical and mental changes. They even have a familiar support and encourage continuing at these groups. KEY WORDS: Third age, coexistence group, elderly.
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