Nursing care to the venous ulcer carrier news


  • Sara da Silva Carmo Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix
  • Clarissa Domingos de Castro Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix
  • Vanessa Souza Rios Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix
  • Micheline Garcia Amorim Sarquis Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix



Venous ulcer, Nursing Assistance, Wound cicatrization.


The Venous Ulcer is a cutaneous wound that appears in the inferior third of the legs.  It is associated with the chronic venous insufficiency being it the main cause of ulcer in the inferior members.  It can interfere in the quality of life because it causes negative repercussions in the social and economic spheres.  The decision for the proper type of treatment and the orientations for the prevention of the wounds demands a nurse’s technical and scientific knowledge.  It is fundamental for these professionals to update their knowledge about the subject as the construction of researches is very dynamic and new information is constantly being incorporated or discarded when outdated.  The objectives of this healthy updating article are to discuss through the history and the symptoms of the Venous Ulcer, nurse assistance, treatment options, prevention, and relation between cost and benefit of the traditional and current treatment of the wounds.  The diagnosis is based on the complete clinical history, a physical exam identifying signals and symptoms, and a complementary exam to analyze the structure and function of the venous system.  The treatment is directed to achieve complete healing of the ulcer and avoid future recurrences.  The knowledge advances about the treatment of wounds have been permitted the integration of the care, the search for the autonomy of the bearer of Venous Ulcer, and the emphasis in the quality of assistance to benefit the relation between cost and benefit.


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