Structure and functionality of families with adolescents in hemodialitic treatment


  • Araceli Moreira de Martini Hospital Municipal de Urgência e Emergência em São Luís - MA
  • Francisca Georgina Macêdo de Sousa Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Anna Paula Ferrario Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Maria Lucia Holanda Lopes Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Hospital Universitário



Adolescent, Chronic disease, Kidney failure chronic, Family characteristics, Pediatric nursing.


This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Its objective is to evaluate and classify the functionality of families with chronic renal adolescents receiving hemodialitic treatment and the presence of an accompanying family member. The study took place on hemodialitic treatment centres of the maranhense capital, from March to May, 2004. It includes the participation of 24 subjects. Two types of questionnaires were used: the APGAR, and one which relates to family profiles. The results show that the majority of families of chronic renal adolescents were slightly dysfunctional. The most affected functional characteristics were development and participation, while resolution, affection, and adaptation were pointed out as satisfactory. Most were classified as incomplete nuclear families, composed of three to five family members, the majority of children were adolescents. The APGAR application made it possible for the adolescent to evaluate his/her family concerning aspects of family functionality, and permitted that the nurses learn the familiar structure, as well as identify familiar dysfunctions within the sample group.


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