Bibliographical research of the systems of monitoring in mechanicsventilation: the state of the art in the nursing


  • Raquel de Mendonça Nepomuceno Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Enfermagem
  • Lolita Dopico da Silva Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Enfermagem



Nursing, Ventilation mechanics, Intensive cares.


One is about a bibliographical research that objectified specifically to analyze the production of knowledge with the ventilation mechanics and especial the ventilatórios alarms in the data base National Library of Medicine (MedLine) in the period of 1996 the 2006. The adopted methodology was the virtual search with the describer ventilation alarm (s). The sample was composed for four articles developed in the nursing and anestesiologia area. The analysis of articles was based on the following information: the delineation of the study, the size of the sample, periodic of publication and the association or not of the ventilatórios alarms with the care of nursing. In the anestesiologia, the ventilatórios alarms had been studied as assistant in the implementation of new therapies. In the nursing area the alarms appear under two aspects: the incidence of ventilatórios alarms in units of intensive cares and the influence of the actions of nursing ahead of the alarms. One concludes that the carried through productions are few on as it ahead acts the team of nursing of a ventilatório alarm and its importance in the assistance to the patient under ventilation mechanics.


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How to Cite

Nepomuceno R de M, Silva LD da. Bibliographical research of the systems of monitoring in mechanicsventilation: the state of the art in the nursing. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 6 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];9(1). Available from:



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