The effectiveness of the solidary care ahead of events that follow the chronicle illness process of the hospitalized child


  • Alexandra Maria Alves IESPP
  • Christiane Silva Ferreira Gonçalves IESPP
  • Maria Aparecida Martins IESPP
  • Sueli Terezinha da Silva IESPP
  • Tânia Cristina Auwerter
  • Ivete Palmira Sanson Zagonel UFPR



Nursing care, Comprehensive health care, Pediatric nursing.


Article of research that objectified to identify how the nurses carrie through the solidary care front to the alterations in the evolution of the hospitalized child that lead to the chronicle illness process. The methodology is qualitative through the exploratory- description method. The subjects had been nine assisstencial nurses who act in pediatric units of a great hospital of Curitiba-PR wich is reference in the pediatric area in all Brazil. For the collection of the information we used the half-structuralized interview. To accomplish the analysis of the depositions we followed the content analysis proposal by Bardin (1991). The ethical rules had been followed in agreement to the Resolution 196/96. All the subjects had signed the term of content of written informed consent. After the transcription of the interviews that had been recorded, we initiate the categorization. Three Units of Context and six Units of Meaning had been apprehended.The Units of Context include the perception of the chronicle illness process of the hospitalized child by the nurse; the perception of the nursing actions of solidary care by the family and, pointing characteristics that interpose the solidary care. For the analysis of the depositions it was possible to perceive that the lack of familiar structure is visible, therefore the child remains long time in the hospital, modifying its daily routine, affecting the family and changing its routine, that is, coexisting with the chronicle illness process imposes alterations in the existing space and temporality of the child. The family and child need support supplied by the nurse in solidary care. The solidary care is perceived by the bond, interest, contact, dialogue, support, the presence, the listening, for the empathy, reliable transmission and hope. It can be established with multiprofessional work, preparation of the team, knowledge, availability, respect for the other. The solidary care is a process, an event that can be considered a new paradigm for the accomplishment of the care of nursing, providing a mutual growth, the construction of new knowing, it makes possible an affective relation, reflexive, human, between nurse/child/family.


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How to Cite

Alves AM, Gonçalves CSF, Martins MA, Silva ST da, Auwerter TC, Zagonel IPS. The effectiveness of the solidary care ahead of events that follow the chronicle illness process of the hospitalized child. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2009 Aug. 28 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];8(2). Available from:



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