Epidemiological overview of HIV in indigenous and non-indigenous pregnant women in the state of Para
HIV Infections, Pregnant Women, Health of Indigenous Peoples, Social VulnerabilityAbstract
Objective: To analyze the epidemiologic profile of HIV infection in indigenous and non-indigenous pregnant women in the state of Para. Methodology: Cross-sectional epidemiologic study based on data from 2010 to 2017 collected from the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (System for Notifiable Diseases). Results: HIV detection rates in pregnant women showed a growth trend in both ethnic groups. Prenatal care proved to be essential in the serological screening of HIV in the populations studied. Conclusion: The high rates of HIV among indigenous women point to the need to have culturally appropriate HIV/ AIDS prevention policies and guidelines for different ethnic contexts. In addition, HIV prevention and diagnosis measures before pregnancy must be expanded to break the virus chain of infection.
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