Nursing diagnoses in people with leprosy: approximation between Orem’s theory and the ICNP®




Nursing, Nursing Theory, Classification, Leprosy, Communicable Diseases, Standardized Nursing Terminology


Objective: To analyze the profile of nursing diagnoses in people with leprosy based on Orem’s theory and the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®). Method: cross-sectional, descriptive study of 24 people with leprosy in outpatient care. Data collection occurred through nursing consultations in the light of Orem’s theory, using interviews and clinical examination. Results: The process of nursing diagnoses development was based on clinical reasoning, the seven-axis model of the ICNP® and the ISO 18104. The diagnostic inferences were validated by three judges. Conclusion: Sixty nursing diagnoses were identified, 51.6% of which were classified as health deviation self-care requisites. The diagnostic profile indicates specific self-care demands of this population and the need for the organization of interventions based on the supportive-educative system.


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How to Cite

Oliveira MD da S, Lima J de OR e, Galdino Júnior H, Garcia TR, Bachion MM. Nursing diagnoses in people with leprosy: approximation between Orem’s theory and the ICNP®. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 23 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];22:63602. Available from:



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