Prevalence of frailty and associated factors among elderly individuals cared for by Primary Health Care




Frail Elderly, Health of the Elderly, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Primary Health Care


Objective: to identify the prevalence of frailty and associated factors among elderly individuals cared for within PHC. Method: cross-sectional and analytical study conducted between March 2018 and April 2019, with 184 elderly individuals enrolled in a Family Health Strategy unit located in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected, and frailty was identified using the Índice de Vulnerabilidade Clinico Funcional-20 [Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20]. Descriptive statistics and bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed via logistic regression with a 95% confidence interval and significance level established at p≤0,05. Results: the prevalence of frailty was 9.8% in a sample of 184 elderly individuals. The variables associated with the outcome were: education (illiterate) (p=0.007) and age (≥80 years old) (p=0.002). Conclusion: Frailty is commonly found among elderly individuals cared for within PHC. Thus, health promotion and protection and preventive and rehabilitation measures are needed.


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