Cognitive profile and associations among very old adults in an outpatient setting in the Federal District
Aged, 80 and over, Cognition, Comprehensive Health Care, Activities of Daily LivingAbstract
The aim was to investigate associations between the cognitive decline of very old adults in outpatient settings and sociodemographic variables, functional performance, chronic diseases, number of hospitalizations and access to health services. Very old adults (80 years and over) residing in the Federal District were interviewed, evaluated in an outpatient setting by means of standardized questionnaires and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). In bivariate analyzes, cognitive decline was associated with the age group (85 years and over), having one or more limitations in basic activities of daily living (BADL), living in bi and tri-generational household arrangements and having a higher number of hospitalizations in the prior year. In the multiple logistic model, BADL and hospitalizations in the prior year remained associated with cognitive decline in very old adults. As it is a population with a greater demand for health care, it is necessary to outline measures of preventive and promotion of long-term care.
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