Interpersonal relations of multiprofessional teams in home care: integrative review




Home Nursing, Patient Care Team, Interpersonal Relations, Nursing


Objective: To analyze the scientific production on the interpersonal relations of multiprofessional teams in home care (HC). Method: Integrative review in databases of Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature; Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System via PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; Web of Science and Scopus without delimiting period. Results: Of the total of 1,203 articles, 11 were selected, three were not available and eight were read in full. Of these, three did not answer the research question, and five constituted the sample. Of the studies analyzed, four were qualitative and one was quantitative. The investigations included were conducted predominantly by teams that work in services that treat patients in households. Conclusion: The evidence showed that interpersonal relationships and effective communication among HC teams are essential for qualified care, but intervention research is needed to stimulate teams in relational skills.


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How to Cite

Bianconi ALM, Sanchis DZ, Aroni P, Barreto MFC, Rossaneis M Ângela, Haddad M do CFL. Interpersonal relations of multiprofessional teams in home care: integrative review. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];22:59594. Available from:



Review Article