What is the key element in the Psychosocial Care Network of a municipality in Minas Gerais?
Mental Health Services, Patient Care Team, Health, Interdisciplinary CommunicationAbstract
The objective was to identify, through the Social Network Analysis, the key element of the Psychosocial Care Network of a municipality in Minas Gerais and to establish relationships of such centrality with the profile of workers. Quantitative study carried out with 162 workers. A self-administered questionnaire and a matrix on services were used. Descriptive analysis and Social Network Analysis were performed to calculate the centrality and preparation of the network map. The psychiatric hospital assumed centrality in the studied network. The length of experience in the field, education and care function of the professionals influenced the knowledge of extra-hospital services. It was concluded that the centrality of the psychiatric hospital highlights the need to redefine the care model that supports the practice of professionals. In this sense, it is understood that the densification of workers’ social capital and the use of management instruments would contribute to a greater articulation of the Psychosocial Care Network.
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