Propositions of coordinating nurses for the implementation of the 5S Program in the Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care, Nursing, Health Services Administration, Health ManagementAbstract
The aim was to collectively build an implementation proposal with the coordinating nurses for the 5S Program in the units of Primary Health Care. An intervention study, conducted with 12 nurses from the city Vale do Paranhana, Rio Grande do Sul. The study was conducted between August and October of 2018, created from three sessions of focus groups guided by themes, with a mean duration of an hour. Thematic content analysis was used. The participants considered important to apply the 5S in the Primary Health Care; however, they reported a lack of physical space and time to continue the actions as implementation challenges. Nurse’s responsibility to manage work was identified, and a strategical plan was built together with nurses to implement the Program. This study contributes to the quality improvement of services by planning and implementing the 5S Program in the Primary Health Care, and it gives visibility to the organizational demands of work processes.
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