Congenital syphilis: knowledge of postpartum women and feelings in relation to the treatment of their children


  • Janaína Fonseca Víctor Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Léa Maria Moura Barroso Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Ana Patrícia Viana Teixeira Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Audyonêda Sampaio Aires Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Iliana Maria Araújo Universidade de Fortaleza



Congenital syphilis, Infant, Newborn, Infant care.


Congenital Syphilis is the result of the infection of the embryo through the vertical transmission for the Treponema pallidum, when the infected pregnant woman is not treated or is treated inadequately. The objectives of this study had been: to identify the knowledge of postpartum women with positive serology for Lues concerning the syphilis and to analyze the feeling of these postpartum women in relation to the treatment of their newborn with congenital syphilis. A qualitative-exploratory and descriptive research, 20 postpartum women had participated that they were following their newborn for treatment of the congenital syphilis in a maternity of reference of Fortaleza-CE, between February and June of 2008. The data collection was taken by interviews, and the same ones had been put under the thematic analysis that generated three thematic categories: knowledge about syphilis and syphilis congenital, knowledge about the treatment of the congenital syphilis and feelings of postpartum women about the treatment of their newborns. The findings had disclosed that postpartum women: they ignore the syphilis, they relate only to the condom use, they had not been guided on the treatment of their children and are felt sad with the duration of the treatment and suffering of their children during invasive procedures. The handling of the cases of syphilis needs to involve population, professionals and managers, therefore with the knowledge and educative actions we only can contribute for reduction of the congenital syphilis.

Descriptors: Congenital syphilis; Infant, Newborn; Infant care.


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Author Biographies

Janaína Fonseca Víctor, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Enfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem. Professora da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza, CE.

Léa Maria Moura Barroso, Universidade de Fortaleza

Enfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem. Professora da Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR). Fortaleza, CE.

Ana Patrícia Viana Teixeira, Universidade de Fortaleza

Enfermeira. Fortaleza, CE.

Audyonêda Sampaio Aires, Universidade de Fortaleza

Enfermeira. Especialista em Saúde Pública. Enfermeira da Secretaria de Saúde de Caridade. Fortaleza, CE.

Iliana Maria Araújo, Universidade de Fortaleza

Enfermeira. Doutora em Enfermagem. Professora da UNIFOR. Fortaleza, CE.





Original Article