Facebook® as a means of scientific promotion: ally or enemy?
Online Social Networking, Publications for Science Diffusion, Health Communication, Disabled PersonsAbstract
Different strategies for promoting a new health communication and interaction tool, aimed at persons with disabilities, were applied on Facebook® in order to identify which promotion strategies promoted hits to the D Eficiência social network, and to characterize its users. Quantitative, descriptive and longitudinal study, with data extracted from the Facebook® metrics manager. Active search promotion was higher than passive promotion, accounting for 91.4% (n=4,519) of hits, via cell phone (71%) by women (81%). Hyperlinked publications and images were more engaging. Facebook® proved to be an effective tool for reaching significant numbers of people and should be considered in the promotion of new technologies. For this, it is necessary to create attractive content and conduct an active search for users. Complementary studies should continue to evaluate this strategy, with analysis of organic promotion and paid promotion.
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