Quality of life of hospitalized patients with chronic wounds





The aim was to assess the quality of life of hospitalized patients with chronic wounds. An analytical, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The study sample was composedof30 patients admitted with chronic woundsin a university hospital in the northeast region of Brazil, fromAugust 2017 to January 2018. For the data collection, a mental health assessment questionnaire, socio-economic and clinical formsand the Brazilian version of the Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound were used. The domain with higher interference in the quality of life of hospitalized patients was the social life and the one with least interference, the psychological well-being. There was a significant association between the higher age and totally limitedmobility with a worse quality of life of admitted patients. This study contributes to the planning and implementation of nursing actions focused onthe biopsychosocial aspects to collaborate to a better quality of life of patients and with aids for future studies.


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Author Biographies

Kezia Cristina Batista dos Santos, Federal University of Maranhão

Nurse. Student of the Nursing Graduate Program at the Federal University of Maranhão, Master’s level. São Luís, MA, Brazil. E-mail: kezia_cristinabs@hotmail.com.

Gabriela Sellen Campos Ribeiro, Technical School of Bacabeira

Nurse. Professor at the Technical School of Bacabeira, MA, Brazil. E-mail: gabrielasellen@gmail.com.

Adrielly Haiany Coimbra Feitosa

Nurse. São Luís, MA, Brazil. E-mail: adrielly.enf.coimbra@hotmail.com.

Barbara Regina Souza da Silva, São Domingos Hospital

Nurse. Assistencial Nurse at São Domingos Hospital. São Luís, MA, Brazil. E-mail: barbara.rsss@hotmail.com.

Tamires Barradas Cavalcante, Federal University of Maranhão

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Student of the Graduate Program of Collective Health at the FederalUniversity of Maranhão, Doctoral level. Nurse of the Trauma-OrthopedicsUnit and preceptor of the Multi-professional Health Residency Program at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão. São Luís, MA, Brazil. E-mail: tamiresbarradas@gmail.com.





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