Dimensional structure of the satisfaction of Family Health users


  • Eliana Campêlo Lago University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Fabrício Ibiapina Tapety University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Camila Aparecida Pinheiro Landim Almeida University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Matheus Costa Brandão Matos Piauí Federal University
  • Laelson Rochelle Milanês Sousa University of São Paulo
  • Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins Piauí Federal University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9107-2485
  • Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Luana Kelle Batista Moura University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Luciana Barros de Moura Neiva Faculty Estácio of Teresina




The study aims to analyze the dimensional structure of the instrument SERVQUAL, used to measure the satisfaction of users of public health services at the basic attention. A quantitative study, conducted through surveys anwered by 353 users of the Family Health Strategy. The participants were: female (71.7%); aged 31 to 40 years (30.9%) and who completed High School education (43.3%). In the model adjustment analysis, the results were unsatisfactory for the established criteria. A new model was suggested given the specific context of the public health presenting inadequateresults for all criteria. The results were satisfactory for convergent and discriminatory validity. The study implicates an indication of a new adjusted model, to comprehend the satisfaction of users of the family health, that should tested in future nursing and public health studies with more in-depth analyses, discussing the findings of this study to consolidate a new analytical instrument.


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Author Biographies

Eliana Campêlo Lago, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Nurse, Ph.D in Biotechnology. Coordinator of the Professional Master’s of Family Health of the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: eliana@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Fabrício Ibiapina Tapety, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Dental Surgeon, Ph.D in Clinical Dentistry. Professor at the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: ftapety@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Camila Aparecida Pinheiro Landim Almeida, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Nurse. Sc.D Professor at the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: camila@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Matheus Costa Brandão Matos, Piauí Federal University

Undergraduate Student at Piauí Federal University. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: matheuscbmatos@gmail.com.

Laelson Rochelle Milanês Sousa, University of São Paulo

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Student of the Graduate Program of Fundamental Nursing, Doctorate level, at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing at University of São Paulo. Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. E-mail: laelson@usp.br.

Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins, Piauí Federal University

Dietitian, Ph.D in Biological Sciences. Full Professor at Piauí Federal University. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: carminhamartins@ufpi.edu.br.

Adélia Dalva da Silva Oliveira, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Nurse, Ph.D in Public Policies. Coordinator of the Nursing course at the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: oliveiracairo@ig.com.br.

Luana Kelle Batista Moura, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Dental Surgeon. Ph.D in Endodontics. Professor at the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail:luanamoura@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Luciana Barros de Moura Neiva, Faculty Estácio of Teresina

Nurse, Ph.D in Nursing focused on Adult Health. Professor at Faculty Estácio of Teresina. Teresina, PI, Brazil. E-mail: lucianabmneiva@uol.com.br.





Original Article