Satisfação de usuários com o acolhimento e classificação de risco em unidades públicas de saúde


  • Lana Aires Marques Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing
  • Flaviane Cristina Rocha César Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing
  • Livia Cristina de Resende Izidoro Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing
  • Karynne Borges Cabral Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing
  • Leidiene Ferreira Santos Federal University of Tocantins, Department of Nursing
  • Virginia Visconde Brasil Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing
  • Lizete Malagoni de Almeida Cavalcante Oliveira Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing



Consumer Behavior, Emergency Medical Services, User Embracement, Emergency Nursing


The aim of this paper was to evaluate the satisfaction of users of municipal health units who underwent Reception with Risk Assessment and Classification (“AACR”). Cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study conducted in four services with AACR provided by nurses, in a capital city of Central-Western Brazil. Data were collected in 2017 with 101 users, using a formwith 44 objective questions about five dimensions: health team, time, facility structure, comfort, and overall assistance. Most of the users were women (54.5%) from 18 to 39 years of age (65.3%), with 10 to 12 years of schooling (58.4%). Over 2/3 were satisfied with the assessed dimensions, but some were indifferent and unsatisfied with all the dimensions. Despite the predominance of satisfied users, it is necessary to rethink the organization and operation of these services and maintain or improve the quality of the positively assessed items and correct the items the users did not consider satisfactory, thus ensuring service excellence.


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Author Biographies

Lana Aires Marques, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Student of Nursing at the School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Scholarship holder of the Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC), CNPq-UFG. Goiânia, GO, Brazil. E-mail:

Flaviane Cristina Rocha César, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Nurse, Student of the Graduate Program in Nursing, Doctorate level, School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Substitute professor of the Federal University of Jataí. Jataí, GO, Brazil. E-mail:

Livia Cristina de Resende Izidoro, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Student of the Graduate Program in Nursing, Doctorate level, School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Goiânia, GO, Brazil. E-mail:

Karynne Borges Cabral, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Student of the Graduate Program in Nursing, Doctorate level, School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Goiânia, GO, Brazil. E-mail:

Leidiene Ferreira Santos, Federal University of Tocantins, Department of Nursing

Nurse, Doctor of Health Sciences. Professor of the Department of Nursing, Federal University of Tocantins. Palmas, TO, Brazil. E-mail:

Virginia Visconde Brasil, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Nurse, Doctor of Nursing. Associate professor of the School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Goiânia, GO, Brazil. E-mail:

Lizete Malagoni de Almeida Cavalcante Oliveira, Federal University of Goiás, School of Nursing

Nurse, Doctor of Health Sciences. Full professor of the School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás. Goiânia, GO, Brazil. E-mail:





Original Article