Analysis of scientific literature on photographic documentation of wounds in nursing


  • Nivia Giacomini Fontoura Faria Universidade de São Paulo
  • Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres Universidade de São Paulo



Photography, Nursing, Wound healing


The photograph of wounds was incorporated into health care practices to assist professionals in observation, evolution and clear/ accurate record of injury and adjacent tissue. This study aimed to identify scientific productions, national and international, on a photographic documentation of wounds in nursing, published from 1996 to 2007. In this paper were found 124 published articles concerning the issue in the following databases: MEDLINE 80 (64,5%), OVID 43 (34.6%) and LILACS 1 (0.8%). After careful reading of this articles were chosen 43 (34.7%) publications. These articles reviewed, the countries that presented publications on this issue were: the United States 18 (41.8%), United Kingdom 16 (37.2%), Australia 6 (13.9%) and countries like Canada, Holland and Brazil had 1 (2.3%) respectively. Have been established four categories: practical application of the photograph of wounds 25 (58.1%), application of photography in programs for computer 7 (16.2%); technical recommendations to photograph wounds 6 (13.9%), and evaluation of the practice to photograph wounds 5 (11.6%). The examined showed articles that the practice to photograph wounds provides subsidies for a decision of the professionals in nursing and aiming to minimize the time and cost for treatment of wounds and the patient's suffering.


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Author Biographies

Nivia Giacomini Fontoura Faria, Universidade de São Paulo

Enfermeira. Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (EE/USP). E-mail:

Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutora em Enfermagem; Docente do Departamento de Orientação Profissional da EE/USP. E-mail:





Review Article