Use of pressure ulcer treatment guidelines by nurses from a general hospital


  • Elaine Maria Leite Rangel Universidade de São Paulo
  • Maria Helena Larcher Caliri Universidade de São Paulo



Pressure ulcer, Guidelines for clinical practice, Nursing research


This study aimed to identify the usage frequency of pressure ulcer (PU) treatment guidelines by nurses from a general hospital in the countryside of São Paulo State/ Brazil. It is a cross-sectional and descriptive research with quantitative data analysis. A sample of 25 nurses was used. For data collection, an instrument was used, constructed on the basis of PU treatment guidelines. The questions were related to the intervention types used by the nurses for treating PU in stage I, II, with necrosis and with granulation tissue. For stage I PU, 24 (96%) nurses always changed the patient’s position. In stage II ulcers, 10 (40%) nurses always used vegetable oils on the wound, while 12 (57.1%) nurses never used hydrocolloid dressings. In PU with necrosis, 4 (17.4%) nurses sometimes used povidine for cleaning. For debridement, 16 (64%) sometimes used papain and 15 (71.4%) sometimes used collagenases. In ulcers with granulation tissue, 25 (100%) nurses always used physiological serum. Varying practices were found, as well as lack of adhesion to the guidelines.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Maria Leite Rangel, Universidade de São Paulo

Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem Fundamental. Professor Assistente junto ao Departamento de Enfermagem Geral e Especializado da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo/SP. E-mail:

Maria Helena Larcher Caliri, Universidade de São Paulo

Enfermeira. Doutor em Enfermagem Fundamental. Professor Associado junto ao Departamento de Enfermagem Geral e Especializado da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo/SP. E-mail:





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