Non-elective removal of the peripherally inserted central catheter in the neonatal unit


  • Nanete Caroline da Costa Prado Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva Rio Grande do Norte Federal University
  • Romanniny Hévillyn Silva Costa Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute
  • Millena Freire Delgado Rio Grande do Norte Federal University



Neonatal Nursing, Intensive Care, Neonatal, Catheterization, Peripheral, Device Removal


The objective was to identify the determinant factors of the non-electiveremoval of the peripherallyinserted centralcatheter in newborns admitted toa Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. A cross-sectional study conducted in referencematernity for high-riskmaternal-infant attention located in Northeastern Brazil. The data collection was conducted with 108 neonates during February to November 2016. We observed the prevalence of male neonates (60.19%), born from cesarean section birth (74.07%) and low weight at birth (29.62%). The non-elective removal occurredin 41.66% neonates by infiltration (12.03%), accidental traction (11.11%), external rupture (9.25%), occlusion (5.55%), bad positioning (1.85%) and infection suspicion (1.85%). The prevalence and non-elective removal factors indicated the need for Nursing strategies to prevent avoidable complications catheter-related, noting the training and improvementof abilities regarding insertion, maintenance, removal and, observation of this device.


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Author Biographies

Nanete Caroline da Costa Prado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Nurse. Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail:

Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University

Nurse. Ph.D. in Health Sciences. Adjunct Professor at the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University. Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail:

Romanniny Hévillyn Silva Costa, Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Work Nurse at the Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute and the School Maternity Januário Cicco. Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail:

Millena Freire Delgado, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University

Nurse, Master of Nursing. Substitute Professor at Rio Grande do Norte Federal University. Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail:





Original Article