Early weaning in children attended in the Family Health Strategy


  • Priscila Veras Santos Piauiense Faculty
  • Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins University Center UNINOVAFAPI http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9107-2485
  • Fabricio Ibiapina Tapety University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Adriana de Azevedo Paiva Piauí Federal University
  • Fernandina Maria Neiva Santos Fonseca University Center UNINOVAFAPI
  • Ana Karolinne da Silva Brito Piauí Federal University




Weaning, Family Health Strategy, Breast Feeding, Pediatric Nursing


The study objective was to assess the early weaning prevalence, andassociated factors of children attended in the Family Health Strategy.We conducted a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study with 241 children accompaniedby the health team. We used a form and a questionnaire for data collection. In the analyses, we conducted a binary logistic regression for variables with statistically significant associations. The prevalence of early weaning was 58.51%. Higherproportions of early weaning occurred in children aged one to three months. To be part of economic level B/C and to have received breastfeeding guidance during the prenatalperiod wassignificantly associated with early weaning. The earlyweaning prevalence was high and similar to the national prevalencedescribed for Piauí state. Early weaning, economic level B/C and breastfeeding guidance during prenatal were associated.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Veras Santos, Piauiense Faculty

Nutritionist, Master ofFamily Health. Professorat the Piauiense Faculty. Parnaíba, PI, Brazil. Parnaíba, PI, Brazil. E-mail: priscilasantos00@gmail.com.

Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Nutritionist, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences. Full Professorat the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Associate Professor at Piauí Federal University. Teresinha, PI, Brazil. E-mail: mcmartins@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Fabricio Ibiapina Tapety, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Odontologist, Ph.D. in Clinical Dentistry. Professorat the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresinha, PI, Brazil. E-mail:ftapety@uninovafapi.edu.br.

Adriana de Azevedo Paiva, Piauí Federal University

Nutritionist, Ph.D. in Public Health. Adjunct Professorat Piauí Federal University. Teresinha, PI, Brazil. E-mail: aapaiva@ufpi.edu.br.

Fernandina Maria Neiva Santos Fonseca, University Center UNINOVAFAPI

Physician, Master ofFamily Health. Assistant Professor at the University Center UNINOVAFAPI. Teresinha, PI, Brazil. E-mail:fmfonseca95@hotmail.com.

Ana Karolinne da Silva Brito, Piauí Federal University

Nutritionist. Graduate Student of the PharmacologyProgram, Master’s level, Piauí Federal University. Teresinha, PI, Brazil. E-mail: anakarolinnesb@hotmail.com.





Original Article