The hospital nurse auditor’s practice in Vale do Itajaí
Nursing Audit, Delivery of Health Care, AccreditationAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the practice of intra-hospital nurse auditors in Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and the measures used to evaluate the quality of patient care. This qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study was performed with ten nurse auditors. Interviews were performed, recorded and later transcribed. The data was subjected to content analysis, and divided into two themes. The results revealed that most used method is retrospective audit, followed by concurrent audit. There is unanimity among the interviewees reading their aim on care quality, using the results of the audit to stimulate improvements. The roles of the nurse auditor are in agreement with Resolution 266/2001 of the Brazilian Federal Nursing Council (COFEN). It was proven that the nursing records were weak, incomplete and/or inexistent, thus posing hindrances to the auditing work.
Descriptors: Nursing Audit; Delivery of Health Care; Accreditation.