Roles, conflicts and rewards of nurses from open services in psychiatric care
Mental health, Psychiatric nursing, Nurse’s roleAbstract
In view of the psychiatric care transformation, the role of the therapeutic agent is recommended as one of the main roles of psychiatric nurses. This study aimed to identify roles, conflicts and rewards of nurses who work in open services of psychiatric care. For that, a questionnaire was applied to 11 nurses from these services in Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo - Brazil. Results showed that the majority is between 31 and 40 years old and has specialization, master or doctoral courses. Roles specific to nursing and administrative ones were highlighted. Conflicts appointed to work conditions, low remuneration, non recognition of their leadership and lack of resources. Professional recognition and rehabilitation of the mental patient were reported as rewards, allowing us to infer that these nurses identify their role with property. They appoint difficulties in performing their share, mainly in view of situations they face, identify their conflicts and feel rewarded by the acknowledgment of their contribution in the rehabilitation of mental patients, preserving a certain idealism related to the exercise of their profession.
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