Party financing in Brazil: proposing a new research agenda


  • PEDRO FLORIANO RIBEIRO Universidade Federal de Goiás



political parties, parties’ organization, Brazilian democracy, political financing, party system


This article has one limited objective, and another ambitious. It tried, on one side, to assess the funding structure of all Brazilian parties in 2007, based on the rendering of accounts submitted by their central offi ces to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Two dimensions of analyses were considered: the participation of each source of revenues on support of the parties, and the internal level of centralization/decentralization of party fund resources (received by the central offi ces), in terms of their redistribution to local and regional party branches. Because we are working with data from a single year, the explanatory potential of the analysis becomes very small. However, this condition of a mere starting point for future investigations is linked to a more ambitious goal: to propose and establish the basis for a new research agenda on Brazilian democracy. The development of such agenda can help make the mechanisms of control and transparency of society over democratic players stronger, generating more complete and reliable data for the researchers of Brazilian politics.


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Author Biography

PEDRO FLORIANO RIBEIRO, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)



How to Cite

RIBEIRO, P. F. Party financing in Brazil: proposing a new research agenda. Sociedade e Cultura, Goiânia, v. 12, n. 1, p. 33–44, 2009. DOI: 10.5216/sec.v12i1.5563. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.



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