Composition and fragmentation of Cerrado in Goiás State using Geographic Information System (GIS)
Six continuous cartographic sheet of the Goiás State (Brasília, Iaciara, Goianésia, Goiânia, Morrinhos and Campos Belos in 21.43% of the Goiás area) were analyzed from geo-referenced basis, to know the status of the composition and fragmentation of the Cerrado in Goiás State. In each cartographic sheet, there are protected areas that perform as area controls for comparison with the remaining habitat. Those images were submitted to supervised classifications and re-classification for the separation in degraded ambient (highway, urban area, burnt areas, pasture, plantation etc.) and in preserved ambient (grassland, savannah and forest). The diversity of that landscape was 1.6 (Shannon Wienner’s index) with the equitability of 0.09. There are 124 fragmentos. ha-1 in a quarter of Goiás. The savannah presented the largest density of fragments (141.74.ha-1), to come to the front by Campos Belos savannah (227.04 fragments. ha-1). The medium size of fragments varied of 0.0625 ha up to 65536 ha, and about 38.48% of the fragments are the same size or inferior to 1.0 ha. The variance/mean ratio and with the index of Morisita, the fragments are agregated.Descargas
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