The industrialization on Ceará: brief considerations
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espaço, industrialização e Ceará.Resumen
The present paper approaches the industrialization on Ceará and its economic, politics and spatial aspects, which occurs since on Virgílio Tavora’s government, having as main marking historical reference the “Govern of Changes”, which corresponds to Tasso Jereissati and Ciro Gomes’ government between 1987 and 2002, representing the industrial bourgeoisie of Ceará. At this moment, the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza becomes more economically and spatially dynamic, reaching large national dimension. So, the research shows how the economic process works overcoming territorial boundaries, making the space reorganization its main element of actions and its main consequence. The methods adopted to this work has prioritized documental and statistic sources of recognized governmental institutions, like IPLANCE and IBGE. In addition field researches with interviews applications semi-structured with representative agents from some companies and non-governmental institutions were carried out. Through the analyzed board, is possible to see that the phenomena occurred on Ceará represents the dynamic of work dominated by the rules of the capital.Descargas
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