AGROECOLOGY, LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY: representations of the territory of Education Field Educational geografizadas the proposed Rural Family House of Fr Haruo Sasaki in the city of Sapopema (PR)


  • Daniela Janaína Pereira Miranda IST –SOCIESC
  • Salete Kozel Teixeira UFPR



This article aims to present the principles of agroecology intertwined to the discourse of Cultural Geography, and thus highlight the value of peasant identity, highlighting the cultural heritage as a set of symbols and meanings through the area of Rural Education, these traits will geografizando spatialities and specializations that characterize the educational purpose of the Rural Family House Fr Haruo Sasaki in the city of Butterwick - PR, this place is presented as a field of symbolic exchange, where the social, political, cultural, economic and educational as well as environmental instruments are internalized through the know-how, taking as a reference point, the local knowledge brought by the youth and their families, who together educators make the proposal of the Pedagogy of Alternation of Agroecology and a framework of theories and practices that restore and conceptualize the particularities of a lived reality, with this, an approach grounded in educational and cultural interaction, where they are valued and represented the essence and intent of the subject field as a citizen, which seeks to break old paradigms, that the field is a place of late.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, D. J. P.; TEIXEIRA, S. K. AGROECOLOGY, LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY: representations of the territory of Education Field Educational geografizadas the proposed Rural Family House of Fr Haruo Sasaki in the city of Sapopema (PR). Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 2, p. 68–87, 2011. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v5i2.15514. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 oct. 2024.


