The use of one historical geography methodology in a recent time: the situation of Brasília/DF in the period of 1964 to 1988


  • Adriano Bittencourt Andrade Colégio Militar de Brasília, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil.



This article deals with the territorial formation of the Federal District and does so from the methodological bases of Historical Geography. It establishes analysis in the period 1964 to 1988 and fragments, for primary data research purposes, the spatial cut according to the Administrative Regions formally defined by the Federal District (DF). It presents a contextualization at three scalar levels (global, national and local), identifies the agents of space production for the period in focus, raising the main roles assumed by them and deepens the analysis in the demographic data, evaluating the role of the immigrant public in the occupation and production of the space of Brasília. The study of the results of the primary and secondary research allows us to draw some considerations about the main spatial transformations at the end of the established period, especially regarding to the physical occupation of the region around the “Pilot Plan” of Brasilia.

Keywords: Historical Geography; Military Governments; Brasília/DF.



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How to Cite

ANDRADE, A. B. The use of one historical geography methodology in a recent time: the situation of Brasília/DF in the period of 1964 to 1988. Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 3, p. 225–238, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v16i1.69075. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


