Geography, landscape, literature and geoheritage in the works of Guimarães Rosa


  • Vania Kele Evangelista P. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
  • Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.



The landscape is a subject much studied in geography since its beginnings. However, its study was not limited to just this science. It aroused interest in several other fields of study and in different professionals like the writer Guimarães Rosa who had a unique look for the landscapes of Minas Gerais. It is in this scenery with hills, plateaus, rivers and marshlands that the author created his characters exposing the life of suffering and charming people. Faced with such beauty and richness details of the elements of natural heritage described by the author in the Sertão of Minas Gerais, it is necessary to list some prominent places in his works so that people, when visiting the sites, have access to information of a tourist, scientific and educational point of view. Thus, it is proposed the identification of the geoheritage and the creation of the Geotourism Route Sertões de Minas Gerais (SMG), which aims to contribute to the regional sustainable development based on the author’s novels as well as the Territorial Landmarks of the Guimarães Rosa’s Circuit (CGR) actions that prioritize local communities and the physical elements described by the writer.


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How to Cite

EVANGELISTA P., V. K.; TRAVASSOS, L. E. P. Geography, landscape, literature and geoheritage in the works of Guimarães Rosa. Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 3, p. 112–137, 2019. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v13i3.58416. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.


