Expanded scene: boia-fria sugarcane cutters and theater of cruelty.


  • John C. Dawsey Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.


1) expanded scene, 2) theater of cruelty, 3) boia-fria sugarcane cutters, 4) extraordinary or astounding everyday life, 5) f(r)iction, 6) experience


Stage arts which take place in the extraordinary everyday life of boias-frias on the backs of trucks shed light on processes of both dilution and expansion of the scene. Here one encounters a theater of cruelty. Expanded scene. Boias-frias on stage. Life and theater make contact. In this essay, three characters are presented, each of which come to life in sugarcane fields and on the backs of trucks, on the stages of the everyday theater of boias-frias: 1) ghosts and shadows; 2) passengers on ships of folly on the green seas of sugarcane fields; and 3) agonizing and playful cattle. At the end of the essay four questions are presented in regard to the notion of an expanded scene: 1) the theater of extraordinary or astounding everyday life; 2) the ludic and agonizing experience of becoming a commodity; 3) the bodily expression of becoming bagasse; and 4) the image of the past which makes contact as a flash of lighting.


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Author Biography

John C. Dawsey, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

JOHN C. DAWSEY é Professor Titular MS-6 (2007) em Antropologia Social da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Ph. D. em antropologia (1989) e mestre em teologia (1977) pela Emory University. Possui graduação em história (1973) pela Florida Southern College. Coordenador do Napedra (Núcleo de Antropologia, Performance e Drama) e do Núcleo de Artes Aro-Brasileiras, USP. Coordenador do Encontro Internacional de Antropologia e Performance (EIAP/2011) e do I Encontro Nacional de Antropologia e Performance (ENAP/2010). Entre outros livros, publicou “De que riem os boias-frias? Diários de antropologia e teatro”(2013) e coorganizou “Antropologia e performance: ensaios Napedra”(2013), “Terra do não lugar: diálogos entre antropologia e performance” (2013) e “Americans: imigrantes do Velho Sul no Brasil” (2005). Nas interfaces entre antropologia e teatro, tem interesse por reconfigurações do campo da antropologia suscitadas pela obra de Walter Benjamin. Desenvolve pesquisas em antropologia da performance, antropologia da experiência e antropologia benjaminiana.


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How to Cite

DAWSEY, J. C. Expanded scene: boia-fria sugarcane cutters and theater of cruelty. Art on Stage Journal, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 2, p. 19–34, 2015. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/34766. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.