A Whirlwind


  • Julie Dind Brown University




In this paper, I intertwine ecoperformance as a 'windy' word with disability and neurodivergence envisioned as powerful winds of change, as ways of being in the world that offer breathing room to the more- than-human. I first listen to the echoes and resonances between ecoperformance and autistic ways of being in the world, before considering what disability studies can bring to ecoperformance.


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Author Biography

Julie Dind, Brown University

Julie Dind is a PhD candidate in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies at Brown University, a butoh dancer and an interdisciplinary artist. She is obsessed with obsession and the performance of the non-normative social body. Her dissertation, provisionally titled “A(u/r)tistic Wor(l)ding” explores autistic modes of performance. Her artistic practice deals with what Fernand Deligny described as the “place that is not the place of saying,” art outside the boundaries of (neurotypical) language. Since 2012, she has collaborated with her a(u/r)tistic partner Rolf Gerstlauer on a multidisciplinary art project titled “Drawing NN inside butoh.”


Works cited

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How to Cite

DIND, J. A(U/R)TISTIC ECOPOET(H)ICS: A Whirlwind. Art on Stage Journal, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 280–297, 2023. DOI: 10.5216/ac.v9i1.77411. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/77411. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.